Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects
Cadence Architects


Inured from the chaos that flanks it, the B-Two residence manages to capture tranquillity and languidness, despite being situated in a busy downtown frame. The house is designed on a plot measuring 45’x90’ with a dense residential fabric that is hardly immune to the urban vagaries of Bangalore.
Designed by Cadence architects, the multi-level home seamlessly blends the inside with the outside. Laid out in a ‘C-Shaped plan’, each corner of the house heaps a courtyard. Communal spaces, like the exercise and pool areas, are contained within stylistically similar courtyards that give a unity to the spatial arrangement and quality. The house becomes sanctuary as each courtyard is reached through layers of enclosing walls and hedges. A highly sustainable element, the courtyards, in the generous landscape, are like the breath marks in a musical score that give shape to the experience of moving through space. The interiority of the house is designed to revolve around the experience of a garden.
Public spaces of the house such as the family, living and the kitchen loin the courtyard. While the kitchen is visually connected the family space physically spills into the courtyard across the sliding folding fenestration. This effectively gives the living space a sense of being in a gazebo overlooking the garden. The family space has a double height volume with a mezzanine overlooking the same. The courtyard is detailed with vertical ribs articulated in a way to enable ventilation into it without compromising on privacy from the neighbours. With the courtyard being the protagonist of the house the rest of the house is rendered with a mute palette comprising of white stucco finishes, wood and marble.

The exterior of the house has a strong identity enabled by the sensuous sweeping curve that is punctured by a large window. The materiality of the inside makes its appearance on the outside too in conceiving the façade with the use of the white stucco and wood. This forms a strong co-relation between the experience of the outside and the inside of the residence.

Project name











Smaran Mallesh, Narendra Pirgal , Vikram Rajashekar