This Multi-dwelling residence was conceived on a tight urban site measuring 3000 sqft. The ground was left free for parking, services, and other ancillary facilities. The first floor and the second floor comprises of a three-bedroom dwelling each while the third and the fourth floors form a four-bedroom duplex. The terrace has recreational areas organized around a garden.
The living room with its double height along with the dining and puja opens into a deck with nice views beyond. This open and fluid space enables interactions amidst the members of the family.
The puja room seamlessly integrates with the planters and the staircase to form a cohesive whole.
The interiors are conceptualized with a muted pastel tonality punctuated with colors and textures that come through with the pieces of curated furniture.
Marlecha Residence
Brigade Road
Naren Pirgal, Vikram Rajashekar, Smaran Mallesh, Sandesh/Madhumita, Himani Chouhan, Arif Mulla